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Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy OrgaNick Pastures eggs?Check out this interactive map of locations our eggs are sold by clicking on this link.
Why are egg shells different colors?The color of eggs laid by each hen is determined by their genetics, according to University of Wisconsin poultry production expert Ron Kean. Some farms alter feed to make egg yolks different colors or make other modifications to their hens to lay certain colored shells; but our hens live a more natural life to produce healthier, more nutritious eggs for you.
What if a store had eggs from OrgaNick Pastures in the past but doesn't anymore?We really appreciate this question. If this happens, ask an employee if they have eggs in the back. Best case scenario, they walk back and bring a few cartons to you. Another scenario is that they'll order them and have them on the shelves next time you shop there. Next thing you should do is let us know so that we can follow up with the store and make a call. We are a new item attempting to establish ourselves as regulars on their shelves, so reminding people in the store that customers are seeking eggs from OrgaNick Pastures is important to our success.
Why are eggs from OrgaNick Pastures more valuable for consumers?Our chickens have an average of 108 square feet of pasture per layer hen to graze throughout the day compared to 2 square feet per hen on a free-range farm or no outdoor space on a cage-free farm. Those hens also have ample space inside our barns with several levels for eating, drinking, and living within the flock. At conventional farms, it is rare for a chicken to see the outdoors or exercise their natural curiosity.
What do the chickens eat?Our chickens eat a number of different things. In the grazing months, they eat pasture, bugs, worms, and insects. Pretty much anything they can find in the pasture. During those months, they also have access to feed in the barn which is a combination of grains, grasses, and minerals. In the winter, when there isn't much for pasture, we supplement them with hay bales.
How are eggs from OrgaNick Pastures different?Because our hens spend more time outside than our competition, they have a higher level of Vitamin D in the eggs. Eggs are rich in iron, phosphorus, selenium and vitamins A, B12, B2, B5 and D (among others). Eggs also are high in choline, a very important nutrient which plays an important roles in modulating gene expression, cell membrane signaling, lipid transport and metabolism, and early brain development.
How does an egg get its color?The color of the egg is determined by the breed of the hen laying the egg. Curiously, on the OrgaNick Pastures farm in Marcellon, the black Dominant CZ's lay a cream colored egg. According to Michigan State University Extension, "All eggs start out white in color; those that are laid in shades other than white have pigments deposited on them as the eggs travel through the hen’s oviduct. The journey through the chicken’s oviduct takes approximately 26 hours. The shell takes roughly 20 hour to be complete."
Is there a difference between the eggs with different color shells?The nutritional makeup of eggs are the same regardless of the shell color. Eggs from OrgaNick Pastures are more nutritious because of their organic feed and organic pasture in their diet.
Do you sell chicken meat?No, we sell eggs.
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